Pontiac 455
The Pontiac V8 was an overhead valve engine with wedge combustion chambers. It used cast iron cylinder heads and a cast-iron block. An innovative design feature was mounting the rocker arms on ball pivots on studs set into the cylinder head, rather than using a separate rocker shaft; this allowed more consistent valve action with less weight than a conventional shaft. All (except the 303 Ram Air V engine and 265 and 301) used 6.625 in (168.3 mm) connecting rods. All Pontiac V8s from 1955 to 1959 were reverse cooled, known as the "gusher" cooling system. It was removed from the design for the 1960 model year due to the fact that pontiac needed to move the generator and the power steering pump from atop the front of the engine down to the front of the heads due to the hoodline getting lower.
Most iterations had an overall length (to the edge of the water pump pulley) of 28.25 in, an overall width of 27 in, and a height (not including air cleaner) of 31 in (718 mm × 686 mm × 787 mm). Dry weight ranged from 590 lb (270 kg) to 650 lb (270 to 295 kg), depending on displacement and year. Most Pontiac engines were painted light blue. The 389 version was known as the "Tempest" or "Trophy" V8, depending on year and hp rating. Pontiac was one of a few US manufacturers which did not regularly identify its engine names and sizes with air cleaner or valve cover decals.
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